Friday, December 11, 2009

If you saw me in the back of a police car...

My friend Connie sent me an email with the question " What would you think if you saw me in the back of a police car?" The rules are to send your first idea to the sender, then send it to your friends to see what they'd say about you. I did and I'm still laughing, so here's the top 10 [No names of my dear friends and family and no consternation]:
10. I was accused of accidentally poisoning a family member with essential oils.
9. Trespassing to get to a good painting spot.
8. Some sort of drug possession.
7. Either participated in a peace March to Washington or grew a suspiicious herb in my garden.
6. Stealing chocolate cookies.
5. Stealing a neighbor's prized heirloom tomatoes.
4. Tresspassing at a demonstration, nonviolent of course.
3. Seen in the back of a police car on the 6 o'clock news because I was protecting trees in defiance of court orders.
2. I sweet talked my way into getting a free ride.
1. Arrested for taking a framed painting apart to see if it was a print [not an actual painting]

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