Friday, December 11, 2009

If you saw me in the back of a police car...

My friend Connie sent me an email with the question " What would you think if you saw me in the back of a police car?" The rules are to send your first idea to the sender, then send it to your friends to see what they'd say about you. I did and I'm still laughing, so here's the top 10 [No names of my dear friends and family and no consternation]:
10. I was accused of accidentally poisoning a family member with essential oils.
9. Trespassing to get to a good painting spot.
8. Some sort of drug possession.
7. Either participated in a peace March to Washington or grew a suspiicious herb in my garden.
6. Stealing chocolate cookies.
5. Stealing a neighbor's prized heirloom tomatoes.
4. Tresspassing at a demonstration, nonviolent of course.
3. Seen in the back of a police car on the 6 o'clock news because I was protecting trees in defiance of court orders.
2. I sweet talked my way into getting a free ride.
1. Arrested for taking a framed painting apart to see if it was a print [not an actual painting]

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Snow? in California?

We have had some unusual weather. It is not unusual to have temperatures drop into the 20's in late fall and winter. We usually have snow down to the 1500 foot level at least once in the season. Due to a very cold storm, we had snow in the area, even in interior valleys.
The picture with the truck was taken on 12-6, a chilly day even in the sun. You can see our Bradford Pears are in full color. Then you see the next morning [truck gone].
The third is a view of Mt Diablo. Very beautiful, but heartfelt appreciation goes to the veterans who went up there the night of 12-07 as they do every year to shine a powerful beacon to commemorate those who fought and those who lost their lives at Pearl Harbor. Most of the veterans who were at Pearl Harbor have died or are too old to participate so fellow veterans who are younger have continued this tribute.
To all who follow their hearts and stand for freedom and democracy,
Thank you.
We are Blessed